This webpage has been created for those seeking alternatives to Big Tech run Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, LinkedIn, etc.
There are many reasons for people seeking such alternatives:
* They can be dissatisfaction with the terms and conditions that must be complied with
* Or that a particular network is a walled garden not allowing outside viewing
* Or they want to separate their work/family/social lives
* Or a dissatisfaction with how their metadata or posts are shared with advertisers or third parties
* Or that the feed algorithms are manipulated to show adverts or other posts they don't follow
* Possibly they've been banned already from a network
* Or that a large centrally hosted service is under scrutiny from their government
* Or possibly certain such sites are even censored or banned in their country
The list is actually endless, and the aim of this page is to highlight a few worthy alternatives to consider. These are mostly all sites that I actually use myself, and I will try to highlight any particular aspects that stand out.
Alternatives to Big Tech Social Media Netwoks | Gadgeteer#
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socialnetworks #
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BigTech #
This webpage has been created for those seeking alternatives to Big Tech run Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, LinkedIn, etc. There are many reasons for people seeking such alternatives: